Thursday, September 5, 2013

Call me Unsolicited Advice Girl

Blogtember Day 3. Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

Advice. I'm drawing a blank on this one! The funny thing is, I am a chronic unsolicited advice-giver. Oh, you have a problem? I know just the thing you should do!  And I will share it with you, even if you didn't ask! This trait has gotten me into trouble a couple of times. It's in my nature to want to help make things better for people, so I give advice. But some people just want to be listened to. Maybe that's my advice today. Some people just want to be listened to. They just want you to say, "yeah, that must be really tough. I'm so sorry you're going through that." Sometimes they don't want to be given an entire roadmap with detailed instructions on how to maneuver their current situation and come out on the other side, a better and more successful human. Even if you feel you can offer that. Some people just want to be heard.

ALSO. Here's something my dentist once told me, and it was life-altering. Think you don't have bad breath? When you floss your teeth, smell the floss. Particularly if you don't floss often. It will scare the shit out of you into flossing, I promise. Sorry that's gross, but you might've needed to hear it.

You're welcome. That is all.

Shirt: Ruche, Jeans: J. Crew, Necklace: c/o Noonday Collection, Boots: Langford Market

Side note: Have you heard of Noonday Collection? I love me a good company-with-a-cause. Proudly wearing a piece from them in today's outfit post. Check them out. (the lookbook is stunning!)

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Share your advice posts below! :) Happy Thursday!

and PS - did you see Bonnie's guest post just before this one, on 10 Not-So-Obvious Blogging Tips? Talk about great ADVICE! Check it out.

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