Friday, August 2, 2013

You probably need this tablet.

Being a blogger has its perks. One of them is reviewing awesome products from time to time, like this Samsung Galaxy Note 8 tablet that the kind folks at Staples sent me to fiddle around with. And fiddle around with it I did. After I received it in the mail a few weeks ago, I then proceeded to plant myself on the couch and play on it for three straight hours when I definitely should have been doing other things. But it has so many uses! Web browsing! Email writing! Book downloading! MOVIE downloading! (We have Netflix, so I've been watching my favorite shows and movies before bed at night, or reading e-books!) 

There's also a pen tool, which certain *ahem* Apple products do not yet have, and which I found very useful. There's a really fun Note application that has about a zillion uses - you can doodle all over photos or electronic notepad paper, send people memos or birthday cards... there are even templates for recipes or diary entries! I seriously got lost in all of the awesomeness for a while there, and I've found having the tablet handy is helpful for my photography business, as well. For example, during boudoir sessions I play Pandora radio from it and keep an inspiration gallery of images up for us to flip through for posing ideas if I run out. I also take the tablet to client meetings, to go over my contracts, portfolio, or to browse Pinterest ideas during brainstorming sessions. Pretty snazzy. 

Overall, I was super impressed with this tablet, and couldn't be more pleased with it. Coming from a Mac junkie, that's saying something. If you're in the market for a tablet, don't pass this one up! :)

*This product was provided to me by Staples for review, but all opinions are 100% honest and completely my own.* 
Tablet case from Nordstrom, also provided by Staples.

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