Monday, August 5, 2013


Dress and Bag: c/o Ruche, Necklace: Francesca's, Bracelets: c/o Threads

You know how sometimes you stay out way too late and drink way too much, and when you wake up the next morning, the effects of the night before still haven't quite worn off yet? (i.e. you're still blitzed?!) Well that's how I feel this morning, except no alcohol is involved. I am just reeling from an incredibly fun weekend at Texas Style Council... from meeting some bloggers and business owners I've admired for years, from soaking up so much of their wisdom, and from feeling so inspired to better my blog and business more than ever.  I think, like anything else you're interested in and want to be great at, it's so important to get together with like-minded people and really feed off their energy from time to time, and just like last year, Texas Style Council has been that incredible fellowship I needed to feel re-fueled and re-inspired about blogging. I can't wait to share the weekend with you, and all the fun stuff I learned and experienced. Get ready for lots of style posts this week, lots of fun photos, and all the nuggets of wisdom I picked up along the way! 

And of course, this post wouldn't be complete without a huge, huge THANK YOU to my new friends at Ruche, who provided this pretty dress and most of the other outfits I wore over the weekend. I can honestly say I made some new friends in the Ruche team these past few days - these ladies were the sweetest things ever, and I had an amazing time with them. Thank you for the generosity, encouragement, and overall awesomeness, Ruche!! :) 

Happy Monday, everyone....

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