Friday, July 26, 2013

I've never been more excited to see wood.

Hey look, there's been progress on our house! We're just a wee bit excited. Been living with mom nearly three months now (is this summer flying by for anyone else??), and they JUST poured our foundation and started framing in the last week. I knew building would be tedious and frustrating, but it's hard to really fathom until you experience it yourself. Anyway, things are going fine and we are so grateful. It's pretty darn exciting, though, to see our little space in the world starting to take shape.  If you're new here or need to catch up, check out this post about why we made the decision to leave our old home and build a new one!

Hope you all have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful, restful weekend. Here's a couple featured SOML sponsors to entertain you the next few days. Check 'em out.

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Meet the ever-lovely miss Chelsea from a blog called Lost In Travels. As you may suspect based on the title, Chelsea and her husband are ex-pats and currently living on a tiny island in Korea (teaching English!)... head right over here for a great introduction to their story, or maybe here and here where Chelsea answers some really fun questions! This girl also has some great travel tips laid out for you, so if you're in the market, don't miss those. Go on over and say hello!

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Next up is pretty Jenn from a blog called Quirky Pickings. Doesn't her smile make you want to smile? ;) Jenn is an aspiring novelist and fellow Texan, and you can head right over here for a great introduction to her blog. She also has a tab called The Griffin Inquisition with links to 32 other fabulous posts inspired by prompt-type questions, many of which you might like to steal from her for topics for your own blog!   Check out day one for a little more info about the inquisition, and don't forget to let Jenn know you stopped in today!


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