Tuesday, May 21, 2013

the Fairytale Formula giveaway + $30 Visa gift card!

Hello my friends! Today I have a rather unusual giveaway for you - it isn't jewelry or clothes or pillows, but instead, it's knowledge. It's an e-book, actually. Two copies of it, to two winners! It's called the Fairytale Formula. Targeted at you lovely single ladies out there! So, if you're single and looking for that so-called Prince Charming, read on.


Quick story: a couple years ago I was looking for freelance writer job postings on Craigslist, and one caught my eye. I applied for the job, and I got a response back from the poster. She seemed interested in hiring me, and we struck up a conversation about the job. Long story short, it involved working on an e-book all about relationships and the Law of Attraction. I thought it odd that the very first freelance job I would apply for would involve writing on the Law of Attraction, since I am such a HUGE proponent of it. I had recently written our love story, which gives you a little better of an idea how this particular way of thinking plays a role in my life.  So anyway, I got the job, and the Fairytale Formula founder and I became friends as we fleshed out some ideas and content together. The e-book has been revamped since our work a couple years ago (and frankly, the new writer did a MUCH better job than I ever did!), but I have been so thrilled to see it take off... I even have a copy myself. GREAT advice for finding (and keeping!) your Mr. Right. ;) Some self-help type books are cheesy and overly-obvious with their info, but I think this one gives a lot of really excellent pointers that are just practically useful, darnit! And our love story is even included in the book... how sweet is that?!  

If you'd like to take a look at what it's all about, go right over here. You can even get part 1 of the book for free on the main website there! (click the green button that says "get started now") And be sure and enter to win an entire free copy in the Rafflecopter below... TWO winners will be chosen!

PS - use the code JENNID for $5 off if you choose to buy the book. Look for the"have a coupon" button right above "Order Details" on the checkout page!

PPS - One of the two winners will also win a $30 Visa gift card... perhaps to help buy a cute new outfit for a date? ;)