Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A rant... about Blogger comments. Are YOU a no-reply blogger?!

Day 22Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. 

I'm not in the mood to piss anyone off today, so I won't get too controversial on this one. But I would like to talk about something that drives me absolutely flippin' bonkers about this little blogging platform so many of us utilize. Yep, I'm looking at you, BLOGGER. And I hope the powers-that-be read this, because we need reform, dangit! 

Rant: The comment system here on Blogger sucks fantastically. It does, it really does.  

I'd like you to do a little exercise with me. Go to your Blogger profile. If you have to, leave a comment on this post that just says "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3!", then click your own name. Your Blogger profile will pop up, and if, under "Contact Me" it doesn't say "email," then you are NOT set up to properly enjoy the commenting system here on Blogger. Why they don't make it a mandatory field to fill out as long as you're a Blogger-user, I'll never know. 

It should look like this:

An NOW, if you have your Google plus account linked as your profile instead of the Blogger one, that means you automatically aren't set up correctly, either. Grrrr. 

Jenni, when you say "set up correctly, what does that mean?"  Good question.

Many if not most bloggers (at least ones that have been around the block a time or two), have their comments set up to be delivered straight to their inbox. You do this by going to your dashboard > settings > mobile and email > put in the address you want comments to come to.  Then, voila! All comments now come straight to your inbox, and you can actually reply directly to these comments by just clicking "reply" and typing up your note back to the commenter! It will go straight to THEIR email inbox, and a nice little conversation can happen behind the scenes. UNLESS. Unless you don't have that email added on your profile, which sooo many people don't. Then, instead of your email address popping up in the recipient field when I go to reply to you, THIS comes up:  

poor Melyssa is my example today. She has an amazing blog, by the way!

The dreaded If you reply to this comment, your reply will be sent off into endless cyberspace, never to be seen again. 

Of course the other option is to reply to all comments right in the thread, but I don't love doing that because A) I always wonder if I'm wasting my time - will you even come back to read my reply? That's another way that Blogger sucks. There's no system to email you when I reply in-thread. BOO! FIX THAT 'ISH, BLOGGER!!!  >:(

So, go add your email, if you haven't already. And enjoy the community this platform has to offer. Go to your profile, click "Edit Profile" on the top right, and then check this box, and put in the email address you'd like to use a little further down the screen:

Even if you're on Wordpress, make a Blogger profile with your email and website link, so you can comment on Blogger blogs and enjoy cross-platform networking. Priscilla is a great example of a Wordpress user that has a blogger profile she uses to comment on Blogger blogs like mine, and it includes her email and her website link. There's no reason we different-platform-users shouldn't get along just swimmingly, eh?!

And that's my rant. SPREAD THE WORD. Let's fix this noreply-comment nonsense once and for all. Don't be a no reply-commenter!  

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Share your rants in today's linkup below....