Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Texas Style Council '13: Friday PM, Saturday AM

how cute are Shay and Amanda?

I don't even know where to begin on this Texas Style Council recap. I feel like I haven't had time to thoroughly process everything yet, and my photos from the conference are about as all over the place as my brain is! But one thing I can say for sure is that I had an amazing time with amazing ladies all. weekend. long, and like I said yesterday, I'm more inspired and motivated than ever to produce good quality stuff on my blog and also to stop undervaluing my work.  

Tomorrow I'll get into a little more about what I, personally, took away from the conference, but for now I'll share a little about Friday night and Saturday morning!

The weekend kicked off for me with an amazing dinner with Minnetonka and some other incredible ladies that are either currently working with the brand or that probably will be now after the weekend. ;) They had a lovely set up for us in the underground portion of Max's Wine Dive downtown, and we had wine and apps and a truly yummy dinner. I went as Maria's plus one, and absolutely loved mingling with some other fab ladies I'd either met last year or hadn't yet met at all! Here's just a tiny peek at the setup from our dinner...

Highlight of the weekend: Meeting Jenny and Savannah of Maiedae, MY BLOG DESIGNERS! They are the sweetest things ever. And I mean, look at my blog! They are fabulous! You should probably hire them. 
(Savanah's blog here, Jenny's here, design website here

Friday night the main TXSC event was the Swap, which was a little too packed and crazy for my taste (apparently I'm a bit claustrophobic?), so I stayed for about 30 seconds before hightailing it out of there and hanging out with some friends along 2nd street, instead.  That's when we shot this outfit from the day before yesterday. :)

Sooo, let's talk about Saturday morning. First of all, my beloved Ruche put on a breakfast for all the speakers, which was absolutely lovely, like all other things Ruche. No big surprise there. It was an absolute pleasure to meet the ladies behind the brand, including Mai, the owner! (see below - the one with the adorable little baby!) :) I also met Mara from M Loves M, though I didn't get any photos with her on my big girl camera, just on Instagram, so check over there for photos to fill in some of the holes in what I included here. Anyway, I was a bit starstruck between Mai and Mara. SWEET! :)

The ever-pretty-and-sweet Tieka with Mai

Now can we talk about my workshop for a minute? It was the first one of the morning - the 9:00 AM slot - and I was a ball of nerves, you guys! However, I found consolation in the fact that I WAS the first session of the morning, and therefore no one would probably come. They'd all be too tired from a night out partying Austin-style on Friday. I was too nervous to even eat at the Ruche breakfast, so after a bit, I headed up to my classroom only to find that it was already packed. AHH! I was totally wrong about my fellow TXSC attendees' level of dedication. There was really great attendance to every single session. Impressive! 

So, I've never spoken in front of people before in this capacity (just school presentations), but even though I was nervous, I think it went really well and I was proud of myself for doing something way way way out of my comfort zone. I mean, c'mon, I'm totally NOT a blogger because I love public speaking. But more importantly than anything, I got a lot of excellent feedback from the girls in attendance, letting me know they really enjoyed it and learned a lot, so that was affirming! Thank you so much to every single sweet lady in attendance... wish we all had longer to chit chat about blogging! :)

At some point video of all the sessions will be up on the Texas Style Council website, so if you're interested in watching my Life Blogging 101 workshop or any of the others, stay tuned for those (I recommend watching Facebook here to see when they are up). I'll try and remind you guys when they're up, too! 

Also a big thank you to Julie Edmonson for snapping some photos around the workshop... I really appreciated that!!

More TXSC recaps coming soon... there is just way too much to squeeze into one post. :) Happy Hump Day!

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