Friday, August 9, 2013

A few snaps with the 85

Much to my horror, my 50mm 1.4 lens (AKA the only lens I owned) BROKE while at the conference last weekend (though luckily it went kaput right before the end of Prom on Saturday night, so I didn't miss much). It's so weird to be a photographer and have your means of photographing taken away, and after last weekend, I vowed that this would never happen to me again. I did some research, and decided to buy an 85mm 1.4 lens by Sigma as a backup, which wasn't as affordable as the Canon 1.8 OR as crazy expensive as the Canon 1.2. A happy medium, if you will, and it's the aperture I'm used to on my 50 (which is now repaired, by the way!). And I'm really, really, really happy with it so far. A great portrait lens, and seriously beautiful bokeh (that blurry, creamy, delicious, light-spotted background). Here's just a few snaps with the new 85! Happy Friday, everyone... see you back here on Monday! :) 


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Today's featured SOML sponsors...

First up is pretty Belinda from a blog called Found Love, Now What?  This expat was living in Washington state when she met and married her love, who happened to be from the U.K.! Now they live together in Wales, and Found Love, Now What? is all about life as a newlywed overseas and the general adventures of an expat, of course! Read a little more about Belinda right here, and read her and Neal's sweet love story right here. These two. are. adorable. :)

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Living In Another Language is, guess what? Another expat blog! Must be expat day here on SOML! :)  Amanda is the brains behind the blog, which is all about her and her husband Derik's adventures teaching English in South Korea. This is a great place to start to get to know these two, and if you're an expat yourself, Amanda has some resources for you here! Also, if you're interested, Amanda has a great article on going poo-free (shampoo, that is!) right here! :) 

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Venus Trapped In Mars is, guess what? Oh wait, NOT an expat blog! Go 'Merica! ;) Meet Sarah, the author of the blog and whom I'm betting is a ton of fun in real life. Sarah is a sports fanatic but self-proclaimed girly fashion lover at the same time, and her blog is chock-full of all kinds of fun posts, stories from her life, and the occasional "Saturday Sessions" like this one on how to make your own social media gadget links. Peruse more popular posts here, and don't forget to tell Sarah hello!

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