Thursday, June 6, 2013

My first Stitch Fix

Good morning my friends, and first let me apologize for the post about to come. The photos are in the backyard, I just rolled out of bed, had barely had coffee and no morning sustenance, my face is puffy, and yet for some reason I still thought it was a good idea to take outfit photos. Clearly my early morning judgement is impaired.

BUT, I am just so excited to share my first Fix with you! I can't help myself. Have you heard of it? Stitch Fix? By now you probably have. It's this cool deal where you fill out a style profile and your size and everything, and a personal stylist takes everything into account and sends you five items that you can either purchase or send back in a prepaid package. All you pay is a $20 styling fee for each Fix, which is subtracted from the price of any item(s) you decide to keep. Such an ingenious new form of shopping, right? It's just fun, to see what will show up at your door! I'm only keeping one of my five items this time, but after each fix you can give feedback and adjust your profile so your stylists are sure to send items you love!

So today I wanted to share with you all of the items I received in my first Fix - even the ones I hate and will be sending back post haste. Here we go!

Item #1. Martin Printed High-Lo Skirt

I love the idea of this skirt, the feel of it, and the pattern. But I hate it on. Hate is a strong word, but I mean every little bit of it. I HATE these kinds of skirts on me. I'm a curvy petite girl (read: weight goes straight to my ass and hips), and these skirts that poof out on top simply do not work on me. Also, I despise the high-low trend. Despise it. So this one's a no for me.

(you should see the photos I did not post - the skirt is just so not flattering.)

Items # 2. 3. and 4. Callie Denim Jacket, Dovette Draped Detail Dress, and Hinge Chain Multi-color Necklace.

None of these items are terrible, but I already have an almost identical jacket, so that one's out. I do think the necklace is really cute, but since I'm on a budget and the colors in the necklace aren't my favorite, I think I'll pass on this one too. As for the dress, the fabric in the front befuddles me. I feel like I'm wearing a Miss America pageant sash or something. The fit is nice overall, but I'll be passing on this one, as well.

Item #5. Baily Multi Color Striped Shirt. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. I LOVE this shirt. Absolutely everything about it. The material is lovely, the fit is perfect, and the pattern and colors are great. I'll be purchasing this one and sending the rest back. 

Then I'll wait patiently for my next Fix. This could be addicting, y'all...

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*This post is in no way paid or sponsored, though I do earn referral credits towards my next purchase if you sign up for Stitch Fix through this link.  I'll love you forever if you do! ;)

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PS - Winners of the Fairytale Formula ebook giveaway have been emailed! If you weren't one of them, it's not too late to sign up for your free part one (click green button!) or jump all in and purchase a copy! :)