Friday, June 21, 2013

How will you be following SOML after July 1st? Hmm?

Hey, did you know? That as of July 1st, Google Reader will be no more? Yep, it's true. So now's a great time to make sure you're subscribed to this here blog in other ways, like with Bloglovin, Facebook, or email subscription. Might as well stalk on Instagram and Twitter too. It's aaaall good.

Here's a simple post on how to move your Google Reader subscriptions to Bloglovin, and here's another one that goes a little more in depth on why Bloglovin is awesome. I've been using it for quite some time, and couldn't be happier!

And now here's a few new friends for your Friday. Happy weekend!

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G Squared is a blog by sweet Brittany, a newlywed sharing thoughts about love, life, new home ownership, her recent turning of a quarter-century old (some great life lessons learned in that first quarter!), and everything in between. Brittany is witty, pretty, and fun, and you'll love her. :) Be sure and drop in to say hello (I think this post right here is a great place to start)!

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Lynzy has a beautiful  life and style blog called Sparkling Footsteps, and there you will find lots of lovely fashion inspiration, life updatesfitness tips (including her latest post on working out while pregnant!), which brings me to my next point - Lynzy and her husband are expecting a baby! :) You will love this beautiful girl and her beautiful blog, so head on over and check 'em out!

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Chelsea is the mastermind behind Sunny With A Chance of Sprinkles, an adorable blog stuffed full of interesting posts about life, motherhood (this idea for a toddler activity is GENIUS!), great recipes (like the perfect hard-boiled egg and grilled salmon in foil!), and even cute fashion posts. This girl is absolutely adorable and will steal your heart, for sure. Also, fun fact: she bought my very first DSLR camera from me, and I am amazed to see how much better her photos are than mine were with the same camera. Good job, Chelsea!!

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Have a great Friday...

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