Friday, May 10, 2013


I have no good graphic for today, so a crappy ole' cell phone pic it is.

The Challenge topic for today is most embarrassing moments, which I debated even including because I certainly do have some doozies I'm not sure I'd like to re-live. Those of you who've been reading this blog a long, long time might remember a vlog way-back-when in which I told the little story about accidentally flashing all my friends in 7th grade while attempting to show off my swimsuit top, which was super mortifying at the time, but even more humiliating things have happened since, I'm sad to say. My top-most embarrassing experiences are all a little risqué, and just re-telling the tale of them sort of gives me these intense waves of nausea, but apparently I'm a little bit of a glutton for punishment, so here goes.

Picture this.
(...I'm not sure I can tell it in complete sentences... it's too painful.)
Matthew and I out to a fancy dinner with a huge (as in important) client of his and the client's wife.
Lovely outdoor patio overlooking the ocean in Huntington Beach, California.
Great conversation.
Nice older couple.
Matthew pulls out his cell phone to show the man photos of the progress on our new house.
Scrolling side-to-side (iPhone) through the photos.
Not looking at the phone while he scrolls.
Lands on a photo while he talks.
Client says "that's a butt!"and Matthew looks down, horrified, to discover he is showing the client a naked photo of me.
I realize what just happened and want to die.
Have to spend the rest of evening with strange man/client who just saw a very compromising photo of me.
Continue to want to die.
The end.

I have another similar story as well, but believe it or not, it's even more inappropriate. *Bangs head against desk.* I'm embarrassed just thinking about it....

Ok, spill the beans. I can't be the only one baring my soul here. Leave your linkups below today's fabulous featured SOML sponsors! :)

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Lovely miss Shanna is the brains behind Because Shanna Said So, a personal style and life blog that you simply cannot help but love. Shanna is a fellow Austin blogger I've had the pleasure of spending in-person time with, and her fun personality shines just as bright in-real-life, too! :) Shanna is a master at putting together the perfect outfits on a budget (even offers personal styling, and she's GREAT at what she does!), but besides all that, she shares snippets of her life and bits about her family that really help you get to know the girl behind the pretty clothes. Go meet Shanna - this girl is going places! (literally - she just won a trip to London! Dig a bit, and you'll find her fun recap posts...)

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Taking Notes, Coast to Coast is a blog by a sweet girl named Danielle with the cutest dog you ever did see (Huckleberry! Don't you just love him?!). Danielle is a technical writer by day, blogger extraordinaire by night, and she's married to a cute guy she moved from Virginia to Washington to be with (hence the blog name!). Danielle is also currently participating in the Blog Every Day In May challenge, so there are plenty of current posts to help you get to know this Blogland gem... go get busy! :)

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Casey is the brains behind True Colors, a blog where she documents her worldwide travel and will surely make you green with envious wanderlust. I urge you to stop by and explore some of the pages on her nav bar, where she'll lead you to places she's been, places she's going, her favorite places, and her excellent travel guides. Stop by here first and get to know this Portland girl a little better, then enjoy traveling the globe with miss Casey...